Play water and sand on Maron Beach

In addition to Marina Beach attractions are located not far from the area Fair Promotion and Development (PrEP) Central Java Province, which is well known community and the surrounding city of Semarang, Semarang City, which is also the capital city of Central Java province also has a beach attractions Another no less interesting and no less crowded on weekends ie Maron Coast attractions. Maron beach sight seeing with an atmosphere still quite natural and also it's useful for you to refresh the mind from the routine work. 
Visitor on the beach can swim on shore by using a float as safety. at the weekend Maron beach is very crowded many visitor either swim there or just play the white sand.

Beauty and naturalness that is on Beach tourism Beach Maron Maron made as an alternative tourist destination that families can be enjoyed with family, relatives or close friends to relax for a moment at the weekend. * *