10 Great Tips of Writing for The Web

Picture: Writing on line
Writing for online reading on the web is essentially the same as writing for print publications. "Writing for the Web" is more about the presentation as the content itself, but it needs a change in the thinking and mechanical changes in prose. Here are some tips:

1. Introduction of the text

Visitors  who visit to the website seldom read paragraphs introduction on their first visit. Why? Most people come to a site through a search engine, so they often bypass the home page. Other course test of a hyperlink on a home page, or click on a link to the home page within the site to see, what to offer, so not useless, has an introduction, but it succinctly, reaction on the what and why in as little as possible. The same is true for the introduction of the text on the inside pages.
2. The points of entry

Most people scan instead read, Web pages, at least initially. Of course all read and test article, but the home pages and other pages of the higher level need to catch visitors with scan lists as unlinked or important words, practical examples display text (intelligent step) (also known as titles, subtitles, and the like), and bullets.
3. Paragraphs band

Short paragraphs contain a single thought are ideal for online readers. 
4. The most important facts first

With the model of the pyramid of writing, journalistic style, in which the most important information is presented first followed by less-critical information based on reverse.

An advantage of this strategy is the same as, which is a part of Newspapermen: If the content is too long, it is easier to cut the passages to from below, instead of trying this in not to remove. (You can always reassign the content deleted for another article, or, have the visitor to a new page, click as many online newspapers full read).
5. Link

Provide links to related documents on your site and on the other. Be not concerned that return visitors to your site, when they leave; If you regularly send to good material, and you have good equipment, if they keep back, give it you.
6 Tell it directly
Tell Song your new mantra: SWYM, MWYS. Objectivity is the appropriate authority. avoid the Marketer promotes excesses, the hype - everything you want to call. If you in your writing style impartially the people be to trust, trust them you.

In addition to literal, non-figurative: If in a position for a history of sports, metaphorical language a cursing instead of something more tangible than as using "Losing streak", you lose the ability to optimize the search.
7. First Number of words

Many visitors of the analysis in a model site rough-f, keep eyes on the left of the page, as they are easily on any line dart, before the start of the next. Make the first characters of dozen in your number of display. Avoid fades and invented terms and start with keywords.
8 Be passive

Not on your side, you go to the construction of the passive sentence, at least in the first movements to avoid. Why? "Mark Nichol recommends writers online that embrace passive, so that the key information in the sentences will be shown first" breaks the rule, in the preceding paragraph recommended.

Who cares about Mark Nichol? You start with the point of the sentence: "passive is recommended by Mark Nichol help writers online who put first key words in information.". You can place of course also important words at the top of an active sentence: "which passively, it is useful to key first written information online set." And you can be me.

Note however that not all are set in a paragraph or a section should be under the direction of keywords, but let the opportunity to do this to pass.
9 Writing well topic

The best way to gain traffic to your website is to provide high-quality content. It's not, it is, but for the return.
10 Rules to break

Ignore all of these rules, as you see fit, but they know and often apply.