Innovative Guide for Business Letter Formats

Picture: Business Letter Formats

When you write a business letter absolutely you need to work with a templates. I will explain the details of business letters templates. Here are the following components of business letters;


The heading or return address, of business letter is similar to that used on personal letter street,city, state,zip code, country and date. Usually, The block form is used. Use a comma after the name of the city and the day of the month.

2.Inside Address 

The inside address is the name of the company or business letter is being written to. It includes the street address ,city, state, zip code, and country. It similar to envelope appearance. Envelopes are not keep in business files; the letter must carry all partinet information.


The greeting part of a business letter is more formal than that of a personal letter. The salutation is followed by a colon. These salutation are suitable formats are:

  • Dear Madam
  • Dear Sir
  • Dear Sir / Madam 
  • Dear Mr Smith
  • Dear Mrs Nancy
        In the sender is writing to a firm and does not know the name of any particular person whom to address the letter. Dear Sir/Madam is commonly is used. However. there is a growing tendency in such cases to omit the salutation. Altogether and to begin the letter immediately  after the inside address.      

4. Body of Business Letter

The body of the business Letter; this should be as brief, well started, and easy to read,The importance of brevity and directness can not be overstated. Business offices receive large number of business letter everyday. If they are not handled promptly, No time can be wasted therefore, business must be succinct and to the point.   


        The enclosing of a business letter is similar to that of a personal letter. The first paragraph is capitalized. The closing is followed by a comma. Here are some useful closing expression:

  • Sincerely
  • Sincerely yours
  • Very truly yours
  • Yours truly
  • Yours respectfully


The sender's name should be written the way the company is to address the return letter. If sender wishes to be addressed by personal or professional title, it should be written after the name, usually in parentheses (M.D), (Ph.D), (Mrs), (Ms). etc.